Port de bras and With a twist
These are small sculptures comprised of angular forms and embracing loops. The use of porcelain brings a paradoxical sense of both strength and fragility. It is a challenging material with its own unique characteristics that have to be respected as it resists being joined or manipulated. Once fired it has strength and its smooth vitrified surfaces reflect the light.
Port de Bras and With a Twist are small pieces that reference the pas de deux of ballet dancers, the long loops reminiscent of their elegant arm movements. Porcelain, h:17 x w:15 x d:14 (Port de vras); h:19 x w:19 x d:12 (With a twist)
Unequivocal: the stark contrast between the hard forms and the softer black clay of the loop creates a work of great emphasis. Porcelain, h:15 x w:20 x d:20 (Unequivocal)